Business class building Prime Residence

ბათუმი,  ზღვისპირის ქ.

985 USD / კვ.მ იდან 
შეცვალეთ ვალუტა
ბინების ფასები დეველოპერისგან!


სახლი ჩაბარებულია ეკსპლუატაციაში
The project Prime Residence is located in a prestigious area of the city Batumi, on a new boulevard, 3-4 minutes from the sea (320 meters)
The modern premium class residential complex provides the following services for the convenience of residents

Security 24 hours
Storage room
Playground in the yard
Coworking area with workplaces and a recreation area where you can hold meetings, communicate with colleagues and plan business

Apartments are for sale in a white frame condition, that means the following states and conditions of the building and the apartments.

The building:
The facade of the building is completed according to the project;
Entrances and stairs are finished;
the walls are finished;
Vertical communications are installed in the apartments;
The entrance door is installed;
Doors and windows with double-glazed windows are installed along the outer perimeter;
Meters for electricity, for cold water and for gas supply are installed for each apartment;

Screed the floor is done, the walls are plastered;
Internal partition walls are made according to the project (or according to the preferences of the owner with an additional fee, which will be calculated at the time of the start of repair work)
Wiring of cold water pipes are installed;
Wiring of sewer pipes are installed;
The house is gasified and the gas pipe leads are already brought to the balcony.

There is a possibility to combine several adjacent apartments at the construction stage.

Do you have any other questions? Then please call us!
ინფორმაცია სახლის შესახებ
მშენებლობის სტატუსი
30 თვე
მანძილი ზღვამდე
320 მ
29.30 - 135.00 კვ.მ
სართულების რაოდენობა
ბინების რაოდენობა
Building type
სიტუაცია გაყიდვის დროს
white frame
Cost for sq.m:
985 - 1 155 USD
ობიექტის გეგმა

დაინტერესდით ამ წინადადებით?
დაგვირეკეთ +995 555 28 92 21 ან მოგვწერეთ.

დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაციისათვის,
გთხოვთ დაგვირეკოთ ან მოგვწერეთ.

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