272 023 GEL #3637 Batumi, Tamar Mepe str. (Makhinjauri) square from: 34.30 distance to sea: ~20 m views: total 2914, today 0 |
88 078 GEL #3609 Chakvi, Batumi str. square from: 24.00 distance to sea: ~110 m views: total 2329, today 0 |
130 957 GEL #3601 Batumi, Andria Pirveltsodebuli str. (I line) square from: 38.41 distance to sea: ~110 m views: total 2921, today 0 |
155 982 GEL #3553 Royal Residence Botanico Chakvi, Dzneladze str. square from: 46.00 distance to sea: ~330 m views: total 12480, today 0 |
275 029 GEL #3544 Swissotel Residences Kobuleti Kobuleti, D.Agmashenebeli ave. square from: 41.87 distance to sea: ~230 m views: total 3295, today 0 |
149 698 GEL #3511 The investment project Marina Club, Elt Quarter Batumi, Adlia (I line) square from: 32.93 distance to sea: ~110 m views: total 39421, today 0 |
142 648 000 GEL non-agricultural #2432 Plot 22000.00 sq.m., Bagrationi str. Batumi, Bagrationi str. price for sq.m. 6484 GEL distance to sea: ~1170 m views: total 5371, today 0 |
113 648 GEL #1639 The Privat Apartments on the Beach "Aqua Hotel & Apartments Batumi" Batumi, Lekh and Maria Kochinski str. square from: 32.00 distance to sea: ~40 m views: total 26041, today 0 |
57 677 GEL #2873 Calligraphy Towers Batumi, Shartava str. (IV line) square from: 44.20 distance to sea: ~940 m views: total 20854, today 1 |
3 797 820 GEL non-agricultural #1027 Plot 14066.00 sq.m., Tamar Mepe str. Chakvi, Tamar Mepe str. price for sq.m. 270 GEL distance to sea: ~100 m views: total 10039, today 1 |